YouTube Adds 20 New Features, Here's What's New

 Google-owned YouTube is rolling out new set of features and design updates on its platform to enhance the user experience. The new features will offer more control, easier discovery, and modern animated design.

These new changes will roll out gradually to all YouTube users around the world over the coming weeks.


– Stable Volume: Rolling out starting today, stable volume will be automatically turned on to reduce jarring differences in volume, for an overall improved watching and listening experience.

– Press to 2x: If you’re one of the users who enjoy watching videos in double time, it’s now easier to do so. According to the company, when watching a video either in full screen or portrait mode, just press and hold down anywhere on the player to automatically bump your playback speed to 2x.

This feature will be available across web, tablets, and mobile devices.

– Seek with ease: YouTube is also launching bigger preview thumbnails. “We’re also making it easier to change your mind — if you start seeking and need to go back, move your finger to where you started and lift when you feel a vibration; We’ll snap you back to the exact part of the video where you left off,” the company said.

– Lock screen: YouTube is also rolling out a lock screen on mobile and tablets so that users can lock their screens to prevent unwanted interruptions.

– You Tab: To make it more intuitive to find all your YouTube stuff in one place, the Library tab and account page have been merged into a new home called You tab where you can find your previously watched videos, playlists, downloads and purchases, as well as your account-related settings and channel information.

Rolling out today, You tab can be found where the Library tab used to be on web, mobile, and tablets.

– Search by voice or song: Users will now be able to search for a song by playing, singing, or humming. The company is using AI to match the sound to the original recording. The feature will roll out in the next few weeks, and will be available on Android devices for now.

– Animations: Now, when creators ask viewers to “like” or “subscribe,” a visual cue on those buttons will appear in sync with the video. And once fans smash that button, a subtle explosion of playful sparkles will reward them.

“Top comments automatically rotate so you can scan the best commentary from the community. And, for new video uploads, we added a new animation that updates view count and like count in real time for the first 24 hours to show how many other users are engaging with what they’re watching,” the company said.

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